Today at the webinar I got a very good question that I did not answer well so therefore it will be a blog post.
The discussion was about my statement that “many visitors is not a goal” and may not even be good for your business. I was then countered that they do no harm as opposed to if it was an offline business.
But, my thought is that those visitors who are not interested in buying anything are actually causing harm.
This is how I think:
If I use some measurement tools to see what interests my readers, I will also find out what attracts the most readers. It will probably make me write more posts of the same kind and consciously or unconsciously guide my behavior. Same thing if I get a lot of comments on a certain type of post. It affects me.
It’s the conversion that matters
But if the majority of my readers never convert to customers, and if I let that group drive my behavior, I will continue in a direction I don’t really want. Many visitors are not harmful in themselves but, as in many other things, we are driven by ‘rewards’. And many readers can therefore cause us to get stuck in a rut that does not lead to the goal. So always keep your audience in mind and make sure it is the one you are writing for. Your target audience may not be the same as your readers.
Follow-up question – why do you have a blog
Jag uppskattar din kommentar
Under många år har jag lagt ner tid och engagemang på att hjälpa andra med deras wordpress-sida. Jag uppskattar all form av feedback för på så sätt så blir arbetet roligare och jag vet om det är uppskattat. Så varför inte skriva ett enkelt tack - om du fick tips för att lösa ditt problem eller löste det!
Tack för din återkoppling!