Sometimes I find myself in a situation where a customer wants to replace a word or a whole phrase with another on a website. It can be more or less complicated.
First I will find where the phrase is used and then the phrase will be replaced. I’m not going to go through where the word is used right now, but how to replace it easily.
Most people know that you can use Ctrl+F to search for a word in a browser and if the word is only found once or a few times, it is a viable option.
But if there are 40 times, it becomes more difficult and the risk of error increases significantly.
There is a chrome add-on “find and replace for text editing” that you can use in the same way as search and replace in Word, for example. This makes it very smooth.
In cases where the customer wants to replace a company name or service name across the entire website where the phrase may be found on many different sub-pages, I prefer to do it directly in the database. Then I can do it in a few minutes.
If I have to open and edit page after page, it can be time-consuming. The risk of error also increases if you have to write the same word hundreds of times. In one place there is a spelling mistake
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