A customer of mine suffered email scraping this week and it’s been a long time since I encountered that problem. So long ago that I more or less forgot about it
The client, which is an association, has about 200 consultants’ email addresses on the website and a number of these received spam emails where they retrieved the email address from the site. Very boring
The best protection against spam is to have a good e-mail service, but in this case, when there are so many addresses of different people who have their e-mail in all sorts of places, some other solutions are needed.
One of them is the usual one of masking the email with (at) or similar but many scripts solve it of course. Another is to hide the email addresses with javascript but it is a bit impractical when there are so many.
In this case, I chose to encode the email addresses to hide them from scraping. If you get a lot of spam and suspect it is due to scraping, this may be a solution.
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Under många år har jag lagt ner tid och engagemang på att hjälpa andra med deras wordpress-sida. Jag uppskattar all form av feedback för på så sätt så blir arbetet roligare och jag vet om det är uppskattat. Så varför inte skriva ett enkelt tack - om du fick tips för att lösa ditt problem eller löste det!
Tack för din återkoppling!